My Questions

Q: how many mA is the output ?

Asked by Eliott on 2021-09-17 04:00:33

johnsiegler If the input current is 3A and input voltage is 4V and output voltage is 500,000V. Output current = 3*4 divided by 500,000 or 24 Micoramps or .024mA.

2023-01-01 20:17:28 Helpful (0)
Answers (4)

Q: Can i use it to conect my tbs crossfire to my radiolink AT9?

Asked by Eliott on 2018-07-12 12:13:24

Marli1 it's compatible with radiolink AT9,but not sure whether it is suitable for tbs crossfire

2018-08-01 22:46:13 Helpful (0)
Answers (1)