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Q: can be used as a usb hub?for hard drives?

Asked by BG844402251 on 2022-09-28 06:40:55

wilipirvanescu not exactly, you can power the hard drive from it but that's about it. you cannot connect it to the pc.

2022-09-29 03:09:24 Helpful (0)
Answers (7)

Q: is it a 2 speed? like low and high?

Asked by Brian Hawkins on 2022-03-31 11:31:41

wilipirvanescu yes, 2 speed. I do cannot say low or high, but 1st is slow, 2nd is about 3 times faster(my opinion). On 3s with 21.5 motor my tatra offroad truck is like a racing car

2022-04-01 08:46:35 Helpful (0)
Answers (2)