
BG195233224 10 ATM = 100 m mélység (Búvárálló vízállóság). Én mint öreg búvár tapasztalatból mondom 50m mélységig biztosan vízálló. 10 ATM = 100 m depth (Divers proof water resistance). I speak from experience as an old diver Definitely waterproof to a depth of 50m

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Q: è compatibile con le batterie Makita BL1850B?

Asked by BG133737153 on 2023-05-10 02:28:05

BG195233224 Azt hallottam azoktól, akik értenek hozzá: igen. de ez nem az én véleményem!

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BG195233224 Hi Pavel! Scan the following PNG image. Run the program. If it is no longer suitable and The instruction manual is in Chinese, and you can speak English: ask Ifisense for instructions in English. You will receive a PDF within 24 hours! Enjoy using it! You will be surprised to see such a faint meteor that you cannot see with the naked eye! Attila

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BG195233224 I have no intention of selling it. I found it on the internet, but out of loyalty I will not publish it here.

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