...When winter here is not like summer, the mini-mid fan does not let you miss it! For those who do not get along with air conditioning, a fan in a person's home brings a breath of freshness and coolness, with a silent presence and modest costs! The design and robust appearance convince you that the investment is sensible and suitable! The device is, for now, very discreet and affectionate! ...Very good and ...I hope that in the summer, alongside the heatwave, it will be at least a pleasant companion!
...Atunci cand pe la noi ,,iarna nu-i ca vara,, , ,,mini-midi,, ventilatorul ,nu te lasa ,,sa-i duci dorul ,, ! Pentru cei ce nu se ,,impaca,, cu ,,aerul conditionat,, ,un ventilator la ,,casa omului,, aduce un aer de prospetime si racoare , cu o prezenta ,,silentioasa,, si costuri ,,modeste,, ! Design-ul si ,,aparenta,, robustete te conving ca ,,investitia,, este ,,cuminte,, si ,,potrivita,, ! Aparatul este , ,,deocamdata,, ,foarte ,,discret,, si ,,afectuos,, ! ..Foarte bun si ..sper ca ,la vara,alaturi de canicula ,sa-mi fie un ,,companion,, ,cel putin,agreabil !
...When winter here is not like summer, the mini-mid fan does not let you miss it! For those who do not get along with air conditioning, a fan in a person's home brings a breath of freshness and coolness, with a silent presence and modest costs! The design and robust appearance convince you that the investment is sensible and suitable! The device is, for now, very discreet and affectionate! ...Very good and ...I hope that in the summer, alongside the heatwave, it will be at least a pleasant companion!