10W 12V Portable Solar Panel WIth Battery Clip + 40A Solar Controller Kit for Camping Traveling
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This panel measures 186mm x 317mm for solar, less the areas covered by conductors. The gross solar input is 58.96W at the AM1.5 standard. At assumed 20% efficiency, the output is 11.79W. Test values of 0.53A at 16.43V resulted in a calculated 8.7079W. The sun was measured at 98,000LUX a bit later at 34 north on 2021/02/21. At AM1.5 there should be about 10% more power. A little of the voltage and power was lost in the 3 meter wires for the clips but it wasn't significant. Considering the additional 10%, this panel comes close to the 10W advertised output. Also considering that it comes with a controller and an aluminum frame, it is a great value. If it is used to directly charge a 12V battery, the voltage should be down to the battery voltage and the current will rise slightly but the power output will be less and the battery could be overcharged if the voltage rises too much (13.8V max standby on a 12V 12AH SLA battery). This is my first purchase of this panel.
Good solar panel. Is capable of generating 10W. Tested with medium sunny day, 37 Ω (4x148 Ω parallel) load and led panel voltmeter mounted. Voltage went up to 16.0V => 6.9W. Surface is about 30*20cm = 600cm². For the bigger mono crystalline I use the rule of thump of 1W per 60cm², determined from this panel. This means that the big panel of 78x67cm, which is claimed to deliver 240W could only generate 87W.