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Q: Please explain exactly how this instrument measures DC current.

Asked by BG833151303 on 2021-10-25 10:34:15

BG143540545 Dearfriend, the greater the current flowing in the wire, the stronger the magnetic field around it (like the compass of the telephone is the north pole), the dc current is not very accurately measured by any of the clamps, the ac measurement is more accurate, it works like the primary and secondary coils of a transformer.

2023-08-29 12:33:31 Helpful (0)
Answers (3)

BG143540545 Dear friend! ZT-702S 2 in 1 Digital Oscilloscope Multimeter Firmware V1.03.51 Updateable

2023-08-29 12:14:20 Helpful (0)
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