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axello The keyboard tray is attached to the wood of the work surface. Fine for the keyboard, but you cannot lean on it. A bandeja do teclado é fixada na madeira da superfície de trabalho. Ótimo para o teclado, mas você não pode se apoiar nele.

2020-11-03 04:50:49 Helpful (0)
Answers (2)

axello In my case it does. But I am actively requesting data, not depending on the device sending information itself. Here is an explanation of the fields: REQUEST {"fun":"05","flag":"1"} RESPONSE: {"res":"5"} {"res":"4","y":"2020","m":"07","d":"19","h":"00","min":"30","sec":"23","cpm2.5":"0022","cpm1.0":"0014","cpm10":"0026","apm2.5":"0022","apm1.0":"0014","apm10":"0026","aqi":"022","t":"25.9","r":"58" } You need to keep sending linefeeds for new data Explanation {"res":"4" response typ ,"y":"2020" year ,"m":"07" month ,"d":"19" day ,"h":"00" hour ,"min":"30" minutes ,"sec":"23" seconds ,"cpm2.5":"0022" count per milli

2020-10-06 02:23:25 Helpful (2)
Answers (1)

axello It’s a pity the iOS app is not supported in a EU or US store. It IS possible to connect to the magic cube using the generic Xiaomi Home app, but the functionality is limited. I tried to get Automations to work, to no avail. But I bought it to connect to specialized hardware, so nothing is lost.

2020-10-01 08:23:34 Helpful (1)
Answers (13)

axello The RISC-V is a completely different processor than the Atmel328P. The processor is faster and open-source ( On top of that, the Longan Nano does not contain a colour LCD screen. As we say in English: you cannot compare apples and oranges.

2020-07-21 02:58:50 Helpful (0)
Answers (3)