Package arrived in 5 working days, packaging very approximate and not at all protected, consisting exclusively of a buston black type garbage but a little thicker directly above the original box, FORTUNATELY has not suffered damage from transport. Open the box, the initial impression is of a product of excellent workmanship, also confirmed by the quality of the materials and the small parts, the joints irrobustiti by plastic guides, are almost perfect. The only small defect found is in the system of attachment of the semials to the fuselage, which struggled to hook and unhook, for an imperfect fixing of the plastic hooks to the root of the wings. Defect solved by filing slightly with the dremel the inside of the seat of the hook to make it move well. Mounted the model, in the centering is found, if you place the battery in the expected position, that the muzzle beats a lot, (provided that the cg is really where indicated under the wings, thing to verify), however with small modification I installed the battery on the top more backward moving below the servo cables, centering the model. The servos, motor and regulator work well. The flaps are ready with the servos but still attached to the ends, so if you don't want to use them you leave them stuck. I didn't like the canopy locking system with pressure caps, replaced with screws. I reserve the right to say something more after testing, but I think it must fly well.
Pacco arrivato in 5 giorni feriali, imballaggio molto approssimativo e per niente protetto, consistente esclusivamente in una bustona nera tipo immondezza ma un po più spessa direttamente sopra la scatola originale, FORTUNATAMENTE non ha subito danni da trasporto. Aperta la scatola, l'impressione iniziale è di un prodotto di ottima fattura, confermata anche dalla qualità dei materiali e della minuteria, gli incastri irrobustiti da guide di plastica, sono pressoché perfetti. Unico piccolo difetto riscontrato sta nel sistema di aggancio delle semiali alla fusoliera, il quale faticava ad agganciarsi e a sganciarsi, per un imperfetto fissaggio dei ganci in plastica alla radice delle ali. Difetto risolto limando leggermente col dremel l'interno della sede del gancio per farlo muovere bene. Montato il modello, nel centraggio si riscontra, se si posiziona la batteria nella prevista posizione, che il muso picchia tantissimo, (sempre che il cg sia veramente dove indicato sotto le ali, cosa da verificare), comunque con piccola modifica ho installato la batteria sul piano più arretrato spostando al di sotto i cavi servo, centrando il modello. I servi, motore e regolatore funzionano bene. I flap sono pronti col servo ma ancora attaccati alle estremità, così se non si vuole usarli si lasciano bloccati. Non mi piaceva il sistema di bloccaggio cappottina con tappi a pressione, sostituiti con viti. Mi riservo di dire qualcosa di più dopo collaudo, ma credo che debba volare bene.
Package arrived in 5 working days, packaging very approximate and not at all protected, consisting exclusively of a buston black type garbage but a little thicker directly above the original box, FORTUNATELY has not suffered damage from transport. Open the box, the initial impression is of a product of excellent workmanship, also confirmed by the quality of the materials and the small parts, the joints irrobustiti by plastic guides, are almost perfect. The only small defect found is in the system of attachment of the semials to the fuselage, which struggled to hook and unhook, for an imperfect fixing of the plastic hooks to the root of the wings. Defect solved by filing slightly with the dremel the inside of the seat of the hook to make it move well. Mounted the model, in the centering is found, if you place the battery in the expected position, that the muzzle beats a lot, (provided that the cg is really where indicated under the wings, thing to verify), however with small modification I installed the battery on the top more backward moving below the servo cables, centering the model. The servos, motor and regulator work well. The flaps are ready with the servos but still attached to the ends, so if you don't want to use them you leave them stuck. I didn't like the canopy locking system with pressure caps, replaced with screws. I reserve the right to say something more after testing, but I think it must fly well.