..Admirat, testat, if for the first impression, it is a useful ,,gadget,,! I hope that when I need ,,supplies,, the provider and seller will ,,indicate,, them to us ,,somewhere,, because otherwise, we will ,,infest,, ,,Nature,, with ,,single-use,, ,,waste,, and ... it would be a ,,shame,,! Good and appealing!
..Admirat ,testat,si pentru prima impresie, este un ,,gadget,, util ! Sper ca atunci cand voi avea nevoie de ,,consumabile,, ,furnizorul si comerciantul sa ni le ,,indice,, pe ,,undeva,, pt. ca altminteri ,vom ,,impanzi,, ,,Natura,, cu ,,deseuri,, de ,,unica folosinta ,, si ...ar fi ,,pacat,, ! Bun si aspectuos !
..Admirat, testat, if for the first impression, it is a useful ,,gadget,,! I hope that when I need ,,supplies,, the provider and seller will ,,indicate,, them to us ,,somewhere,, because otherwise, we will ,,infest,, ,,Nature,, with ,,single-use,, ,,waste,, and ... it would be a ,,shame,,! Good and appealing!