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My Account My Orders My Wishlist My Coupons My Points My Referrals BGpayBG421037485 there a separate power on button on the chassis? because from what I saw on a different video, the power on button is also on the stock battery it came with..
Reply 20/11/2022
hiis there a separate power on button on inside the chassis?
coz i saw from a different video that the power on is also on the stock battery it came with
whyyo no... if you use a different battery then the supplied battery there is no on/off it starts as soon as battery is connected
Reply 21/11/2022BG561651181 @BG421037485 The button on the battery is only to check the power level of the battery. Not to turn on the car. The ESC has its own power switch
Reply 28/03/2023BG133515163 جميل جداً ورائع
Reply 07/08/2023BG533217551 @whyyo Rispondiate
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